Monday, July 2, 2007

Brayden - ism

This will show ya that it doesn't take long for little boys to figure out that they are just way too man-ly for some things.
The other day we were running errands with a friend and her kids - and on Main street in Rexburg - there are flowers hanging from all the lamp posts - it is really cute - so anyway - the little girl that was with us said, "oh that's just perfect - look at those flowers Red, Purple & white - I'll take the red ones - Kylie you take the purple ones & Brayden you can have the White ones!" Kylie was thrilled with her color assignment - but Brayden turned up his nose and said - " White flowers!? - No thank you! - I can't have flowers - I"LL TAKE THE LEAVES... yeah... the leaves will match my pants much better. Kids are funny - I just love it.


Jill said...

That is so funny! What a boy! He is so stinking smart!