Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Auntie Poe!!

We have had lots of visitors in the past few weeks -- We were so happy to get to see April & Her new baby Girl Louisa!! Adorable! I'm Glad the Bahen's just live a couple hours away so I get to see a lot more of April & her Fam these days!
Yay for me...

Poor baby Just didn't want her picture taken.. haha
Kylie was in love though!

Drove Poe Down to the Bahen's House in Eugene...
& Spent a day with Toni & Gordon - always fun!
their new house is amazing --
Here's April giving the Tractor a whirl - haha
Brayden & Kylie had a blast -
so glad we got to see our Auntie Poe
& meet Baby Louisa!